Media  -  Andrew Sugerman


Published articles written by Andrew

    A brief article about Andrew appears in the Summer 2009 issue of YOGA & JOYFUL LIVING. Click here to see the article, "Voice and Video Chat"

     from Yoga & Health, August 2007
Teach a Man to Fish  by Andrew Sugerman
I teach yoga. If, a dozen years ago, you’d told me I’d say that one day, I’d have thought you completely daft. Based on my experiences back then, the impression I had of yoga was that it was basically a form of exercise accessible only to the very limber. At the least, I was looking for a teacher who could show me how to stretch my stiff body. Beyond that, I was really wanting a practice which could affect change on levels deeper than just the physical. The turning point came around ten years ago when I met Gary Kraftsow, the premier American teacher of Viniyoga, a highly personalized approach to yoga. This teaching opened a doorway to me through which I did learn how to stretch, but more than that, with particular breathing exercises and meditation, I now have the means to bring about equanimity into my life. It was my reverence for this wisdom carried forth from antiquity that inspired me to become a teacher. Over the years, I’ve trained with Gary, a student of TKV Desikachar; with S Ramaswami, a student of T Krishnamacharya; and studied in Chennai, India at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram. Currently I am a yoga therapist with a private practice, and I am on staff of the American Viniyoga teacher training, where one of my roles is teaching chanting of the Yogasutra of Patanjali, the two thousand year old principal yoga text. (read more . . . )

      from the International Association of Yoga Therapists website
One Month at the Mandiram  by Andrew Sugerman
The "Introduction to Yoga" course at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, India, presents a comprehensive initiation into the science, philosophy, and application of yoga, faithful to the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya as preserved by his son, T.K.V. Desikachar. As a young man in 1961, Desikachar abandoned his career as a structural engineer to preserve the work of his father, healing people with Yoga. He lived and studied with his father until 1989, when Krishnamacharya passed away. Because his education and orientation are decidedly Western, Desikachar confesses that he is able to transmit only a fraction of the knowledge his father possessed. I suspect that today, none of Desikachar's Western students would claim the ability to transmit the scope of knowledge their teacher possesses. (read more . . .)



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The Art of Breathing - Patricia Sanzone & Andrew Sugerman

The St. Denis
80 East 11th Suite 435
New York, NY
- Corner of Broadway, just south of Union Square

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